Failure on the road to Success
" Success is not built on success. It's built on failure. It's built on frustration and sometimes on catastrophe.I have such profound respect for failure in my opinion you always learn more from life by failing multiple times than succeeding the first time.I will give failure my perspective because I have failed many times before and it taught me many things. From humility to hard work to how to never giving up but the most important lesson I learned is how to not fear failure. But failing gracefully is understanding that failure is part and parcel of the process to success.
-Sumner Redstone "
Failure is one thing we all don't like to associate ourselves with, we spend hours on end doing everything we can to avoid it. We study very hard, put in those extra work hours. But in a success-driven world where failure is not an option, our efforts to not fail have us not trying to succeed in the first place. Our avoiding failure has all of us trying to survive and accepting a life of mediocrity.
In recent years failure has been documented as an inspiration to many because it is more relatable to all of us than success. Hence this blog post is all about the F word (please do not get alarmed). How failure affects us and using real inspirations with relatable experiences how can we overcome it?
Failure: Life's greatest Teacher
Jack Ma founder billionaire founder of Alibaba and veteran of failure as a stepping stone has always told his extraordinary story of how before Alibaba he had never succeeded at anything no matter how basic it was. In many ways, his failures gave him the stamina and life lessons he needed to chase after his interests. Later the failure he had earlier faced became the very stepping stones of his success. If something doesn't work out learn from it and ask yourself how that experience has you better prepared for the next group of challenges.
Failure: the necessary push to reaching your potential
Failure: the necessary push to reaching your potential
I know how the fear of failure can hold you back from fulfilling your potential. I know of many people who I knew had the potential of being so much than they are today wallowing in self-pity because a couple of failures flushed their potential down the toilet. However in life to fulfill our greatest potential one needs to take risks and accept that failure could be inevitable. But you have to push yourself, wake every day knowing you are better than your failures, don't let failures leave you at the mediocrity of just having potential but propel you to becoming what you are meant to be.
Failure is not Forever
Failure is just like any other obstacle can be overcome, If you were a failure yesterday that doesn't mean you will be a failure tomorrow. Look at Dr. Ben Carson one of the world's best neurosurgeons and inspiration to many people. But before the success and fame, he was called a failure in his younger days. Yes, he had failed a couple of times so much so that the people around him including himself started to call him a failure. Now look at this and think how did he make it how did he get where he is today? The answer is a simple failure is not permanent and it doesn't define you. It may be part of the journey but it doesn't make you who you are, your identity belongs to you and you can change the course of your life. You have to believe that you are going to succeed in spite of your current situation, put in the work and decide to be great because failure is not forever.
" Try Again.Fail Again.Fail better"_Samuel Beckett
Overcoming failure needs a positive mindset
Failure gets its power and momentum from mindset, whatever takes seed in our minds can become the food failure needs to grow. so many others and psychologists have studied the patterns of failure but none like Carol Dweck. Her book Mindset: Psychology for success gives insight into the many types of mindsets and how that can affect someone's attitude towards failure. Remember I had earlier mentioned that failure is relative and its all about how you look at it. Professor Carol gave an example of two students who had failed the same test, one had decided that even though he had failed he would go back to the drawing board to do better on the next test. The other student, on the other hand, had seen his results and was convinced that he was just a failure ad there was nothing he could do to change.
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The Failure before failure
You know this entire post we have been talking about failure when you have done something to fail. Imagine failing even before you have the chance to fail. I am talking about never trying something because you think you are going to fail. How many opportunities will you lose before you realize you have nothing to lose if you try. I know it is not easy to stay positive, people's opinions and criticism will get you down but keep moving. Imagine a world where every revolutionary decided not to start because they were going to fail, where would the world be today. At least give yourself the chance to fail so that you can use that experience to enlighten yourself for future successes.
The art of failing gracefully empowers you to be fearless and never be afraid of not succeeding, It puts your mind in a position to keep getting up no matter how many times you get beaten down. Remember that the greatest weapons were molded in a fire so your greatness will be shaped by tough situations and failure happens to be one of them.
The greatest weapons were molded in fire hence your greatness will be tested by tough situations and failure happens to be one of them.
The greatest weapons were molded in fire hence your greatness will be tested by tough situations and failure happens to be one of them.
Fail stories and not success stories: using our failures to inspire others
Honestly, I have heard too many success stories and I think many of them only shine a light on the success part. Most take out the real challenges and failures that were involved in the process. But since failure is a learning experience why not use it to help others build the confidence to rise above the failure on the road to success.
Some years back when I was preparing for my 9th-grade exams there was some serious buzz about a book titled "Exams Made Easy". The author Mr. Rozuius Sitwambo told the world how he had failed his 7th-grade exams 3 times and after his last failure, he had decided to never fail again. His will power got him through and he set up on the road to helping others learn from his mistakes. Now imagine a situation where Mr. Rozius decided to be beaten down after his failures would he have managed to change as many lives as he has. He took his failures and made them a stepping stone for others to learn and also get ahead.
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