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Failure on the road to Success

 "   Success is not built on success. It's built on failure. It's built on frustration and sometimes on catastrophe.                 -Sumner Redstone " I have such profound respect for failure in my opinion you always learn more from life by failing multiple times than succeeding the first time. I will give failure my perspective because I have failed many times before and it taught me many things. From humility to hard work to how to never giving up but the most important lesson I learned is how to not fear failure. But failing gracefully is understanding that failure is part and parcel of the process to success. Failure is one thing we all don't like to associate ourselves with, we spend hours on end doing everything we can to avoid it. We study very hard, put in those extra work hours. But in a success-driven world where failure is not an option, our efforts to not fail have us not trying to succeed in the first pla...

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